A Is For – Amy Austin

Right when you think you know Dublin like the back of your hand, you turn a corner and this intimate gem has opened right under your nose.


Vibe Check

A truly intimate wine bar with high stools, background beats (Orbital and dinner – yes please!), and no notions. As the space fills with bodies, unhindered chats bounce effortlessly through the small space. Get a seat at the bar to watch the action in the open kitchen.

Cost For Eats


Cost For Booze


Booze-Free Options?

None, unfortunately.

Highlight Dishes

Richie – Octopus Al Pastor (Served with red onion, coriander, burnt tortilla foam, grilled pineapple)

Tams – Pork Belly (Korean style barbecue, herb crumb, yuzu, chilli & pork crackling)

This spot is great for…

Boozy catch-ups & eats with friends or on your way out for a night in town. This is a location for familiarity, without discomfort at getting too close.


Honestly, I thought I knew Drury Street pretty well, but I just couldn’t place this restaurant in my mind when I booked it. But there it is.

Yes. On the outer edges of the carpark, across from Drury Buildings. I had been in this space as its former incarnation – a cosy cafe. And trust us to start this alphabetical adventure with one of the smallest restaurants in Dublin! Richie is 6ft 4″, so cosy for him is most public spaces. We had to negotiate the seating arrangements slightly. The fixed stools along the window make it a real challenge for bigger bodies, but we thankfully snagged some better seating and were more comfortable for our meal.

All tables are prepared with sharing plates because the menu is perfectly crafted with small dishes intended to be experienced together. The menu is simple; divided into three main sections & dessert. The wine list is extensive, with wines on tap featured literally in lights on the wall. We are one drinker, and one non-drinker so it’s always a little disappointing when restaurants have no non-alcoholic options these days. Even flavoured water served in a nice glass can elevate the dining experience for a non-drinker and makes a solo drinker feel less like they are drinking alone.

But…you know what I love? I love a casual but seamless dining experience. We ordered some small bites to start; Wicklow blue cheese, smoked cheddar, freshly-baked bread with salted black garlic butter & smoked Hungarian striploin. There was no pressure to order “mains”, as we savoured our warm-up act at our own pace. This is one of my favourite ways to eat as you are not pressed or rushed to make a decision. You can experience the flavours or your starters while having a cheeky gawk at what others around are ordering.

It’s hard to say the “mains” are really mains, as they are small plates intended for brief-but-flavourful experiences. Not quite tapas, but not far off. They arrived at a perfect pace. One plate at a time so table over-crowding wasn’t an issue and we could truly experience the savours of each dish. What we ordered was perfectly balanced in every way. The colours were delightful. The flavours worked perfectly and textures were given careful consideration in literally every creation. Ill-treated seafood can be a textural disaster, but this was anything but. The black garlic crab was served with a crisp polenta base and burnt pepper sauce, making every bite a textured punch of flavour.

The service was friendly and familiar but not overbearing. With 2 wait staff on a busy Saturday night, they did fantastically at paying attention to all their tables’ needs. We didn’t have to ask for anything twice and could catch an eye easily. As a customer, you can tell when a restaurant is frazzled and stressed, particularly with a bird’s eye view of the kitchen. But all we could see were laughs, a consistent train of amazing food and what appeared to be great communication within the team. I enjoyed sitting in this space and being a part of their story for a short moment.


You can follow all the craic on Instagram where I am going to be looking for recommendations, shout outs, sharing updates and who knows…maybe running a few competitions along the way. Join us here.

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Still hungry? Here’s more

P is for – Pickle

Every dish is presented with colour and care. Soak up the flavours with your freshly cooked, buttery naan bread. Oh, you think you’ve eaten enough?! Not a hope – keep going. Relish every single bite.

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